Tradeskillmaster wow directory
Tradeskillmaster wow directory

tradeskillmaster wow directory

#Tradeskillmaster wow directory for free#

View mortgage notes for sale or list for free Tsm minimum price invalid. Sell mortgage notes faster, buy mortgage notes easier. A material flipping operation may have as much as 5000 as the post cap, but for gear you would only post one Paperstac - the digital mortgage note transaction engine. You do want to ensure you set the quantity differently though. You can use these same pricing settings equally well for flipping BoEs and transmog as for materials. In most markets the min price is the only thing that matters. The normal and maximum prices can be set to just 2 and 5 times the minimum price which is a distribution i find works reasonably well.

tradeskillmaster wow directory

Then in the box Custom Price for this Source type in exactly this

tradeskillmaster wow directory

ifgt(dbmarket,20000g,10%dbmarket,dbmarket-200000g) would be invalid if dbmarket is smaller than 20 000 and would default to 10% dbmarket for any items with dbmarket above 20000 You could probably set something up that would be invalid if the price isn't correct and any items with an invalid price source would show up at the bottom.Also DBMarket is a two week average of one server, if the item has not been posted on your server the price is invalid. Make sure you have TSM_apphelper and TSM_AuctionDB enabled and installed on that character. MIN = max (110% crafting, 40% avg (dbmarket,dbregionmarketavg)) MAX = max (600% crafting, 300% avg (dbmarket,dbregionmarketavg)) NORMAL = max (400% crafting, 120% avg (dbmarket,dbregionmarketavg.If there are no auctions for a particular item on your realms Auction House, DBMinBuyout could be an invalid price source If an auction is posted between pricing updates, this value does not get updated with the new lowest priced auction until the next pricing update.This one is pretty straight forward as I don't want to sell any crafted gear for anything less than that Expulsom: (80*dbmarket (i:152576))+ (40*vendorBuy (i:159959)) I chose this because it high balls the price of expulsom for a 1/8 cost of Tidespray Linen Bracers while crafting them.Another cause would be if TSM doesn't know you can craft something this can be fixed by opening the relevant profession on your crafter with TSM enabled This is usually caused by BoP mats not having an assigned value (stuff like Expulsom and Blood of Sargeras) so I'd go into your mat price settings and make sure all mats like that which you use regularly have a price assigned.Home TSM minimum price is invalid Cant't post cause minimum price is invalid (120% crafting

Tradeskillmaster wow directory